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Zeiss Loxia 35mm f/2.0

ZEISS Loxia 2/35 offers an extended viewing angle. This makes it the first choice when it comes to displaying a motif in its environment or people in its context. It is the most important focal length within a 35mm compact camera system. At the same time, the compact design of this system allows you a certain independence and discretion when shooting.

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Light, sober and discreet. The moderate wide angle and the creative possibilities of manual focus make the ZEISS Loxia 2/35 the perfect tool for storytelling.

The ZEISS Loxia® 2/35 offers an extended viewing angle. This makes it the first choice when it comes to displaying a motif in its environment or people in its context. For example, when doing photographic reports or urban photography. Therefore, for this genre it is the most important focal length within a 35mm compact camera system. At the same time, the compact design of this system allows you a certain independence and discretion when shooting. And manual focus gives you all the creative freedom to custom design and create your story.

ZEISS Loxia lenses have been specially developed for cameras from the Sony α7 series. This means that in your hand you have both the benefits of the latest full-frame camera and the creative possibilities of “classic” manual focus photography.

And last but not least, ZEISS Loxia lenses bring together everything you need to make top-quality videos, e.g. ex. the incomparable Click function, which allows a continuous displacement of the diaphragm.

  • ZEISS LOXIA 35mm f/2
  • Suitcase

Technical specifications

Focal Length: 35mm

Aperture range: f/2.0 – f/22

Focus range: 0.3m – ∞

Number of elements/groups: 9/6

Angular range, diag./horiz./vert. : 62.02°/54.06°/37.57°

Macro Coverage: 210.2mm x 139.4mm

Filter thread: M52 x 0.75

Dimensions (with caps): 66.0 mm

Weight: 340g

Camera mount: E-Mount

More information about the Zeiss Loxia 35mm f/2.0 through our contact channels.