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Audiovisual Trends 2023

13 July, 2023

Explore the trends of the audiovisual sector in 2023. From the influence of youth to the growing role of artificial intelligence and exciting visual experiences.

Youth and AI, in command of the sector.

The audiovisual sector in 2023 is constantly evolving, driven by the demands of youth and the advancement of technology. The younger audience continues to define the direction of the industry, with preferences and expectations shaping the production and distribution of content. In addition, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role, improving the production, distribution and recommendation of audiovisual content.

Streaming as the spearhead.

Social networks have become the main showcase and promotional platform for audiovisual content, allowing creators to reach their audience effectively. On the other hand, streaming virtual reality experiences are revolutionizing the way we experience entertainment, immersing us in virtual environments and live events like never before.

Videomapping on the rise.

We cannot fail to mention videomapping, an innovative technique that projects audiovisual content onto three-dimensional surfaces, creating surprising visual effects. This technique has become popular in live events and offers captivating visual experiences.

In short, the future of the audiovisual sector is bright and exciting, and in 2023 we are witnessing the pinnacle of this revolution. Youth lead the way, while artificial intelligence surprises and social networks become dream scenarios. Talent and technology are intertwined to offer visual and narrative experiences that transport us to new horizons. Welcome to the exciting future of the audiovisual industry!